EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell said on Tuesday that he “is sure” Georgia would submit the second part of the EU questionnaire in a timely manner, stating that the process “is not a sprint race. Here quality matters more.”
Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova applied for EU membership shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of winter of this year, while Ukraine and Moldova have already submitted the EU questionnaire which is mandatory for the bloc to decide whether or not to grant the applicants a candidate country status.
Georgia submitted the first part of the questionnaire on Monday and said that the answers on the second, sectoral part of the document would be available “earlier than scheduled as the deadline is May 13.”
“I am absolutely sure that we will get the second part of the questionnaire soon. The process is going well, according to the set schedule. I would like to emphasize that this process is not a 100-meter sprint, the main thing in this process is not speed, but the quality of answers,” Hartzell said.
He said he expected the European Commission would present a report on Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova based on the questionnaire next month.
Georgia applied for EU membership on March 3, while the country received the questionnaire on April 11.
The political part of the questionnaire included 369 questions while the sectoral part came about 2,500 ones.