Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an online address to the G7 summit on Tuesday that it is necessary to impose a strict upper limit on the prices of oil and gas exports from Russia.
He spoke of Russia launching a new wave of escalation earlier this week,when its missiles attacked cities and energy infrastructure, killing 19 people.
“Russia must be completely isolated and punished”, Zelensky said.
In their joint statement, the leaders of the G7 condemned the missile attack carried out by Russia in recent days and said that they would hold Russian President Vladimir Putin and others responsible accountable.
They said that they would help Ukraine as long as it is necessary.
In an appeal to the G7, Zelensky also asked for help in the form of more air defense systems to repel airstrikes. He stressed that when Ukraine receives such systems, "the key element of Russian terror - missile strikes - will no longer work."
Zelensky asked the G7 to support his initiative to send an international mission to the border of Ukraine and Belarus to monitor the security situation.